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Club History


The Club was first formed in 1962 when the clubhouse consisted of a small bark rotunda. The rotunda was eventually replaced with a weatherboard clubhouse which, after surviving three major floods, was destroyed by fire in 1994. Members were then accommodated for the following two years in relocatable huts with portable toilets until a decision was made to purchase Macedon House across the road and this property served as the clubhouse for the next three years.


A new clubhouse was constructed on the original site and the move into the current building took place in 1999.  A new synthetic green was constructed in 2015. In 2022, the grass green is being replaced with a synthetic green and a new carpark is being constructed..

In 2014, prior to the construction of the synthetic green, the Club had 80 members. Since that time the Club's membership has grown to 112 members and 100 "barefoot bowlers". 

Hall of Fame and Life Members Board 2022.jpg
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